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Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools. Promoting long-term, whole-school action for the environment Green-Schools is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the environmental Education Unit of An Taisce. Derryquay N.S. is very proud to have been involved in the Green Schools Awards Programme since 2007 and has been awarded four green flags for

  • Recycling & Waste

  • Energy

  • Water

  • Transport

We are a very active green school. Here are some of the other ways that we work to make our world a more sustainable place to live in

  • Reduce, recycle and reuse waste where possible.

  • Equip classrooms with recycling, compost and general waste bins.

  • Minimise the use of paper in the school as much as possible.

  • Conserve water and heat.

  • Students take responsibility for all lunch packaging, bottles and reuse them.

  • Recycle batteries and mobile phones.

  • Organise two recycling events in school during the year.

  • Provide high-vis jackets to all pupils.

  • Invite external speakers to discuss environmental issues or concerns.

  • Grow vegetables in our school garden.

  • Support local community council initiatives in cleaning up our local beach.

Our aim as a Green School is to teach the children to respect their environment and to hopefully put into practice as adults what they have learned in school.

Biodiversity is the fifth Green-Schools theme and looks at steps which can be taken to increase awareness of the importance of native plants, animals and habitats, and to increase species-richness in a locality.

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The Active School Flag was launched by the Department of Education in May 2009. The purpose of the initiative is to recognise schools (primary, post primary and special schools) that strive to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community.

All of our children engage in a lively and varied Physical Education Programme which is part of the Primary School Curriculum. The whole school community is made aware of the importance of physical exercise and healthy lifestyles are encouraged.

Cumann na mBunscol: The senior children participate in Cumann na mBunscol and Mini-Sevens as well as FAI Primary Fives.

Swimming Classes: Swimming classes are organised for all pupils. Classes take place at Tralee Sports and Leisure Centre Swimming pool during school hours for six weeks after Christmas.

Golf: Each year the pupils partake in golf lessons for 5 weeks

Soccer: Both the girls and boys take part in local primary competitions.

Cross Country: Pupils trained and participated in the Cumann na mBunscol cross country competition

Futsal: Every year both boys and girls enjoy taking part in Futsal blitz.

Gymnastics: Pupils enjoyed a 5 week gymnastics course with Theresa in Tralee Gymnastics club.

Running: Daily run in school finishing with a number of beach runs totalling a full marathon 


We achieved our first Active flag in 2015 and successfully renewed our Active Flag in 2018.


Cumann na mBunscol – we won the North Kerry Shield in 2018!
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